τέλος κάθε μήνα | Payment of tax deducted from employees the previous month. |
Payment of tax witheld from payments to non-tax residents the previous month. |
Payment of special contribution for defence withheld on payments of dividents,interest or rents (when the tenant is a company,partnership,the state or local authority) made to Cyprus Tax residents in the preceding month.
31 Ιανουαρίου | Submission of declaration of deemed dividend distribution (ΤΦ623) for the year ended 31 December 2015. |
31 Μαρτίου | Electronic submission of the 2016 corporation tax return (ΤΦ4) for accounting periods ending on 31 December 2016. |
Electronic submission of the 2016 income tax return of physical persons preparing audited financial statements for the year ended 31 Dec 2016. |
Submission and first installment payment of the credit institutions special tax for 2018. |
30 Απριλίου | Submission of tax return (ΤΦ1) for 2016, from individuals, when their gross incomes exceeds €19.500 for 2017. |
Payment of premium tax for life insurance companies - first installment for 2018. |
30 Ιουνίου | Submission of tax return (ΤΦ1) for 2016 from individuals not preparing audited financial statements, when their yearly gross income exceeds €19.500 for 2017. |
Payment of personal income tax for 2017 under the self assessment method, by individuals not preparing audited financial statements. |
Payment of special contribution for defence for the first six months of 2018 on rents if such is not withheld at source by tenant and on dividends or interest from sources outside Cyprus. |
31 Ιουλίου | Electronic tax return submission (ΤΦ1) for 2017 από μισθωτούς, when their gross income exceeds €19.500 for 2017. |
Electronic submission by employers of the total 2017 payroll (ΤΦ7) for 2017. |
Submission of 2018 of the provisional tax return of the first installment. |
1 Αυγούστου | Payment of final tax of 2017 under the self-assessment method (ΤΦ158), by individual and corporations preparing audited financial statements. |
31 Αυγούστου | Payment of premium tax for life insurance companies - second installment for 2018. |
30 Σεπτεμβρίου | Electronic submission of tax return (ΤΦ1) for 2017 from individuals not required to prepare audited financial statements when their income exceeds €19.500. |
Payment of the third installment of credit institutions special tax for 2018.
31 Δεκεμβρίου | Payment of provisional tax-second and last installment for 2018. |
Payment of special contribution for defence for the last six months of 2018 on rents if such tax is not withheld at source by tenant and on dividends or interest from sources outside Cyprus. |
Submission of the third and last installment of premium tax for life insurance companies. |